homebrew Mo' Grapefruit Smash Summer Ale I got around to firing up the brew system and cranking out my experimental hops(Grapefruit) Single Malt and Single Hop(SMaSH) beer on Saturday. It was an easy brew day. I did end up with lower gravity than I had expected. I believe the recipe crafter I used did
homebrewing Homebrew again? I miss homebrewing beer. I was good at it. I got to make something that made people happy. That small thing, in turn, made me happy. I have ADD and homebrewing was my hyper-focus. It is one of the few things I could stay focused on for any length of
homebrewing Let's Go Cidering I have been avoiding alcohol due to some health issues and haven't brewed in a year. So, my 2 taps on my kegerator were looking a little sad and lonely. I decided to do a minimal effort project and make a cheap, easy, cider. So, I picked up