Every Star Is A Setting Sun

We often take for granted what is important to someone.  Often times, what someone else finds important, we barely notice. It isn't on our radar and it isn't important to us. We will talk about how stupid it is that Jerry is into 4PM dinner with his wife at the same crappy restaurant on Friday or that Sarah's obsession with those silly figurines is SO ANNOYING.

On face value, it seems silly.  However, life is short.  Let people enjoy the things they hold dear to them.  If Sarah likes those overpriced ceramic cats, let her enjoy them. Maybe ask her some questions about them just to make her feel good. You never know, maybe she had a rough childhood and a kind grandparent started buying her the ceramic cats to distract her and that is why they seem so important to her.  Maybe Jerry has a case of agoraphobia and that is why he enjoys going to the same place at 4pm before the crowd arrives.

I don't know if we can ever understand why someone finds importance in things which most of us find insignificant. Isn't knowing that it is important to them enough?  We all have these quirks about us. There is something important to each of us that the rest of the world won't understand and that is OK.

Look into the night sky. Every star is a setting sun to some planet even if they are just an insignificant twinkle in our night sky. Importance is relative.