Mo' Grapefruit Smash Summer Ale

Mo' Grapefruit Smash Summer Ale

I got around to firing up the brew system and cranking out my experimental hops(Grapefruit) Single Malt and Single Hop(SMaSH) beer on Saturday.  It was an easy brew day.  I did end up with lower gravity than I had expected. I believe the recipe crafter I used did not adjust the gravity/ABV for a 30 minute boil and I didn't catch that when putting together the recipe.  

Other than that, it was an easy peasy brew day and I was glad to get one under my belt for the first time in 13 months! My guess is it will be finished fermenting this coming weekend and I can crash, dry hop and get kegged/carbonated for serving by my birthday.  This beer was simple but sometimes simple is good and since I was just getting back into the swing of brewing, it is also most welcome.  Besides, there is nothing wrong with a Summer sipper in the Spring.