Homebrew again?

I miss homebrewing beer.  I was good at it.  I got to make something that made people happy.  That small thing, in turn, made me happy.  

I have ADD and homebrewing was my hyper-focus.  It is one of the few things I could stay focused on for any length of time.  That may not sound like a big deal to most people but when you don't have the ability to focus on most things, finding something that you can focus on is soothing beyond measure.  I can only equate it to driving through a rural area with the radio on and no ability to turn it off.  You are  scanning for radio stations but only getting static - LOUD ANNOYING STATIC -  for hours and hours then you finally tune in to a station and it is playing your favorite music(WOOHOOO!).

Anyway, all of that brain dump was simply to say, I am going to brew another beer soon.  I may not get to drink much of it as I am still wrestling with health issues but that wasn't the main enjoyment I got out of brewing.  My enjoyment came from sharing the beer.  Yes, it would be nice if, when I was sharing, I could also share in the moment of drinking it but I will take a win where I can get one.  

I will be brewing an IPA with some experimental Grapefruit hops from Yakima Valley.  Why an IPA?  Because they are easy to brew, the hops lend themselves to that style, and because my friends only drink IPAs and giving away 2.5 - 5 gallons of beer is surprisingly difficult if it isn't the style the people you are giving it to like to drink and you live in the boonies as I do(I mean, I don't really but my friends are urban-locked).

I will brew the IPA as a SMaSH(Single Malt and Single Hop) because I want to get to know this particular hop's characteristics and, again, it is easy.

I will update and maybe post a few pics from brew day and first pour.  
